Kismetdb to device JSON

The kismetdb_dump_devices tool processes the unified kismetdb log and exports the device records as JSON for use with other tools.

This tool is available as part of Kismet when built from source, or in the kismet-logtools package, as of 2019-02.

kismetdb_dump_devices --in some-kismet-file.kismet --out some-json-file.json

Streaming via stdout

Like many other command line tools, specifying - as the output file will cause kismetdb_dump_devices to stream the output to the console, making it simple to pipe it to other tools:

kismetdb_dump_devices --in some-kismetdb.kismet --out - | python -mjson.tool


-i / --in={ filename }

Path to the kismetdb file to process

-o / --out={ filename }

Path to the pcap or pcapng file that will be written

-s / --skip-clean

By default, kismetdb_strip_packets runs a SQL Vacuum command to optimize the database and clean up any journal files. Skipping this process will save time on larger captures.


Output as a JSON file; useful when using the kismetdb_statistics tool to populate an index of log files or similar.


Add status output to the console.

-f / --force

Force overwriting any existing files, by default kismetdb_to_pcap will refuse to erase existing output files.


Reformat field names to be compatible with JSON path searching and ELK by rewriting all . to _; For example, kismet.base.key becomes kismet_base_key.

This is turned on automatically when ELK mode is enabled.


Export as an ekjson format; Instead of exporting a JSON array of the devices, instead export each device as an object on a single line.

While not technically valid JSON, this format can be used to stream processing or inserting into other tools (such as ELK), and can be processed line-by-line with far fewer resources than a single array of all options.

This will automatically enable JSON path mode.