KismetDB logs

Kismet Log File

The Kismet log file contains all the information gathered by Kismet about devices, supported phy types, packets, GPS coordinates during logging, and similar. Under previous versions of Kismet, this data could be found in disparate logs such as gpsxml, netxml, nettxt, and pcap.

Internal Log Structure

The Kismet log file is stored as a SQLite3 database, however it is not designed as a traditional strictly normalized database.

In order to support the arbitrary data collected by Kismet about different phy layers and any Kismet plugins that may have been loaded, the Kismet log contains basic normalized fields such as location, timestamp, and device keys, but the majority of the data is stored as a serialized JSON object or as binary packet data.

This means that basic queries (time, signal levels, location, device identifiers, and MAC addresses) can be done via SQL queries, but more complex queries will require retrieving the JSON object.

Log Versions

The log file version is stored in the db_version field of the KISMET table. When changes to the base database structure are made, this version will be incremented.

Version 9

As of February 2025, Kismet has started using db_version 9. This version adds:

  1. packet_full_len to the packets table. This contains the original length of the packet. This is the same as the caplen value reported by libpcap, and will be greater than the original packet length when the capture size is limited.

Version 8

As of October 2021, Kismet has started using db_version 8. This version adds:

  1. hash to the packets table. This contains the CRC32 hash of the payload of the packet, not including the capture-specific radio headers. This is equivalent to the pcapng packet hash.
  2. packetid to the packets table. This contains the packet id of the packet, which is unique to all packets of the same hash. This is equivalent to the pcapng packet id option.

Version 7

As of April 2021, Kismet has started using db_version 7. This version contains one change:

  1. The packets table now contains the field datarate, a real number. This is the data rate as seen by Kismet, in mbit/sec.

Version 6

As of May 2019, Kismet has started using db_version 6. This version contains one change:

  1. the packets table now has an additional field, tags. This is a space-separated list of arbitrary packet tags. These can be used to identify packets tagged by parts of the Kismet code, for instance, WPA handshake packets.

Version 5

As of February 2019, Kismet has started using db_version 5. This version contains two major changes:

  1. Kismet no longer stores GPS coordinates as normalized integers. GPS related data will be stored as SQL type REAL, an 8-byte double-precision float.
  2. Kismet now adds per-packet GPS speed, altitude, and heading records.

Version 4

Through Kismet 2018/2019 Beta 2, Kismet used db_version 4. This version did not contain per-packet altitude, speed, or heading records, and did contain normalized GPS coordinates.

Data Formats

The Kismet log uses a few consistent formats for data:


Timestamps are stored as integer seconds since the epoch for low-precision timestamps, and integer seconds since the epoch plus a second field of milliseconds for high-precision timestamps. This format matches the unix timestamp tv_sec and tv_usec format.


As of KismetDB version 5 the GPS coordinates are stored as 8-byte REAL double-precision floats; these are the native GPS coordinate, and no transformation is necessary.

Prior to database version 5 the GPS coordinates were normalized to integers.

This is deprecated for all logs created under version 5 or newer.

Latitude and Longitude are normalized to a 6-digit precision integer using the conversion: normalized_coord = (coordinate * 100000)

Coordinates can be automatically converted in SQL queries by using /:

SELECT (lat / 100000.0), (lon / 100000) FROM ...

Be sure to specify a floating-point divisor (100000.0), otherwise the result will be converted to an integer.

GPS Bounding and Average Coordinates

GPS bounding coordinates are stored as 4 values, the minimum extreme latitude and longitude, and the maximum extreme latitude and longitude. These values define a bounding box which encloses all instances where a device was seen.

The GPS average location is calculated by Kismet as a running average of all packets; this can be the least precise method of isolating the location of a device because it can be heavily influenced by the sampling pattern. For more precise location calculations, post-processing of the GPS records in the PACKET or DATA tables will yield better results.

Device Keys

Device keys are used to uniquely identify a device; the device key is used by Kismet as the indexing value for every device record, and incorporates the unique Kismet server which saw the device, the phy layer driver which processed the device, and the device-specific unique identifier (often the MAC address but not always).

Internally, keys are represented as 128-bit numbers; in the Kismet log they are represented as a TEXT field and each device key will be unique.


UUIDs, or universally unique identifiers, are used in Kismet to identify specific instances of some long-living objects such as the Kismet server itself and data sources. UUIDs are stored in the Kismet log as a TEXT blob of the UUID string.

Log Sections

The Kismet log is divided into multiple sections (stored internally as SQLite3 tables).


The alerts section holds records of Kismet IDS alerts.

ts_sectimestampAlert timestamp, as second-precision timestamp integer
ts_usectimestampAlert timestamp as usec-precision timestamp integer
phynametextRelated phy name
devmactextPrimary related device MAC address
latreal/doubleGPS latitude
lonreal/doubleGPS longitude
headertextAlert header / type
jsonjsonFull alert content as JSON object


The data section holds arbitrary data records which are not packets but which have temporal or locational meaning; typically these will be generated by non-packet-based data sources such as the sdr-rtl433 source which detects device events but does not supply the raw original bytes.

ts_sectimestampEvent timestamp, as second-precision timestamp integer
ts_usectimestampEvent timestamp, as usec-precision timestamp integer
phynametextCapturing device phy name
devmactextCaptured device MAC, if any
latreal/doubleGPS latitude
lonreal/doubleGPS longitude
altreal/doubleGPS altitude, since database version 5
speedreal/doubleGPS speed, since database version 5
headingreal/doubleGPS heading, since database version 5
datasourceuuidUUID of capturing datasource, as text
typetextType of data record, as text
jsonjsonArbitrary JSON record of event


The datasource section holds up-to-date information about the datasources Kismet is capturing from; a datasource supplies information to Kismet and can be local, remote, packet-based, or event-based.

uuiduuidUUID of datasource
typestringtextDatasource type (such as linuxwifi)
definitiontextFull source definition as passed in the source= config or the -c ... command-line option
nametextSource name
interfacetextCapture interface (such as wlan0)
jsonjsonFull device state (packet RRD, messages, etc) as JSON blob


The device section holds complete Kismet device objects; the device object is encoded as a JSON object and contains all phy-related data and all tracked notes, data, and any other information about the device.

first_timetimestampFirst time seen, as second-precision timestamp
last_timetimestampLast time see, as second-precision timestamp
devkeytextUnique device key
phynametextName of primary phy (such as IEEE80211)
devmacmac, textDevice MAC (such as the source MAC address in IEEE80211)
strongest_signalintegerStrongest recorded signal during lifetime of device, typically in dBm but phy-specific
min_latreal/doubleGPS bounding rectangle, minimum latitude
min_lonreal/doubleGPS bounding rectangle, minimum longitude
max_latreal/doubleGPS bounding rectangle, maximum latitude
max_lonreal/doubleGPS bounding rectangle, maximum longitude
avg_latreal/doubleGPS running average latitude
avg_lonreal/doubleGPS average running longitude
bytes_dataintegerNumber of bytes of data seen related to this device
typetextPhy-specific human-readable type, dependent on the phy
devicejsonFull JSON export of the device record and all enclosed fields


The messages section holds text messages from Kismet; typically printed to the ‘Messages’ section of the UI or to the console.

ts_sectimestampMessage time, as second-precision integer
latreal/doubleGPS latitude
lonreal/doubleGPS longitude
altreal/doubleGPS altitude, since database version 5
speedreal/doubleGPS speed, since database version 5
headingreal/doubleGPS heading, since database version 5
msgtypetextMessage type/category (INFO, ERROR, ALERT, FATAL)
messagetextArbitrary message as printed by Kismet


The packets section holds raw binary packets; packets can be of any DLT (data link type) supported by Kismet, and are tagged with per-packet GPS location (when available).

The packets section is directly analogous to a pcap (or pcap-ng) file and can be directly converted to those formats with tools found in log_tools/ in the Kismet directory.

Packets are stored in the raw, original capture format; in the case of Wi-Fi this may be a format such as Radiotap which, itself, also encodes the frequency, signal levels, and detailed antenna data. Kismet exposes a normalized subset of per-packet data to facilitate slicing the Kismet log into manageable pieces easily.

ts_sectimestampPacket time, as second-precision integer
ts_usectimestampPacket time, as usec-precision integer
phynametextName of capturing phy
sourcemactextMAC address of packet source (if available)
destmactextMAC address of packet destination (if available)
transmactextMAC address of packet transmitter (if available)
frequencyrealDecimal frequency of packet, in KHz (if available)
devkeytextDEPRECATED. This field is no longer used because packets are not a 1:1 relationship with devices, but the field is retained for schema compatibility.
latreal/doubleGPS latitude
lonreal/doubleGPS longitude
packet_lenintegerTotal packet length, in bytes
packet_full_lenintegerOriginal packet length (may be larger than available packet length), in bytes
signalintegerReceived signal level of packet (typically in DBm but may be phy-specific)
datasourceuuidUUID of capturing Kismet data source, as string
dltintDLT (Data Link Type) of packet content; this correlates to the original packet format as understood by pcap (such as raw 802.11, radiotap, raw btle, and so on)
packetblobRaw binary packet content
errorintBoolean, packet was flagged by Kismet as an error in rx or otherwise invalid due to parsing errors
tagstextArbitrary space-separated list of tags added by packet dissectors in Kismet
dataraterealDatarate, in mbit/sec
hashintCRC32 hash of the packet contents (not including radio headers), equivalent to the pcap-ng hash record.
packetidintUnique packet ID, equivalent to the packet ID field in pcap-ng. Can be used to correlate duplicate packets across multiple interfaces.


The snapshots section holds arbitrary time-based snapshots of data; this functions as a catch-all for Kismet plugins and other temporal data.

ts_sectimestampSnapshot time, as second-precision integer
ts_usectimestampSnapshot time, as usec-precision integer
latreal/doubleGPS latitude
lonreal/doubleGPS longitude
snaptypetextSnapshot record type
jsonjsonSnapshot record, as JSON object


If the Kismet Databaselog is enabled, Kismet will expose an API for extracting historic data. If the databaselog is not enabled, these APIs will not be available and will return an error.

The kismetdb REST API can be found here.