
Extending Kismet: Creating Capture Sources

Kismet supports additional capture types via the KisDatasource interface. Data sources run in an independent process and can be written in any language, however they require a C++ component which functions as a Kismet driver to allow it to communicate with the datasource binary.

Datasources can report packets or complex records - if your datasource needs to pass parsed information about a device event, that’s possible!

Capture via IPC and Network

Kismet datasources communicate from the capture binary to the Kismet server via an IPC channel or TCP connection. This channel passes commands, data, and other objects via an extension of the Kismet External API protocol; written using the Google Protobuf library, this protocol is extensible and parsers can be generated for nearly any language.

The datasource IPC channel is via inherited file descriptors: Prior to launching the capture binary, the Kismet server makes a pipe(2) pair and will pass the read (incoming data to the capture binary) and write (outgoing data from the capture binary) file descriptor numbers on the command line of the capture binary.

Operating as a completely separate binary allows the capture code to use increased permissions via suid, operate independently of the Kismet main loop, allowing the use of alternate main loop methods or other processor-intensive operations which could stall the main Kismet packet loop, or even using other languages to define the capture binary, such as a Python capture system which utilizes Python radio libraries.

The network protocol is an encapsulation of the same protocol over a TCP channel, with some additional setup frames. The network protocol will be more fully defined in future revisions of this document.

The External Datasource Protocol

The datasource capture protocol acts as additional commands within the Kismet External API; it is defined in protobuf_definitions/datasource.proto.

Datasource commands are in the KismetDatasource namespace, and their string equivalents in the helper API are prefixed with KDS. Reply-only frames are suffixed with RESPONSE.

KDS Commands

KDSCLOSEDATASOURCE (KismetDatasource.CloseDatasource) Kismet -> Datasource

Closes the active datasource; this is called during the shutdown process when a source is closed or Kismet exits.





KDSCONFIGURE (KismetDatasource.Configure) Kismet -> Datasource

Configure the behavior of a running source.

channelKismetDatasource.SubChansetOptional Fixed-channel control
hoppingKismetDatasource.SubChanhopOptional Hopping and channel list control
spectrumKismetDatasource.SubSpectrumOptional Spectrum monitoring control

KDSCONFIGUREREPORT KismetDatasource.ConfigureReport

KDSCONFIGUREREPORT (KismetDatasource.ConfigureReport) Datasource -> Kismet

Report configuration status and success to Kismet; This report must contain the sequence number of the KDSCONFIGURE request in the success field.

successKismetDatasource.SubSuccessSuccess report for KDSCONFIGURE command
channelKismetDatasource.SubChannelOptional Channel configuration of datasource
hoppingKismetDatasource.SubChanhopOptional Hopping configuration of datasource
messageKismetExternal.MsgbusMessageOptional Message to be sent to the user via the Kismet Messagebus system
warningstringOptional Warning message about the current configuration, to be placed in the datasource details.


KDSDATAREPORT (KismetDatasource.DataReport) Datasource -> Kismet

Datasources uses KDSDATAREPORT to send packets, signal data, and GPS data to Kismet. The packet payload is mapped to the Kismet datasource, and sent to the packet processing subsystem.

gpsKismetDatasource.SubGpsOptional GPS coordinates
messageKismetExternal.MsgbusMessageOptional Message to be sent to the user via the Kismet Messagebus system
packetKismetDatasource.SubPacketOptional Packet content to be injected into the Kismet packetchain
signalKismetDatasource.SubSignalOptional Signal or RSSI information which is not part of the packet data or packet headers.
spectrumKismetDatasource.SubSpectrumOptional Spectral data
warningstringOptional Warning message about the datasource, which will be placed into the datasource details
jsonKismetDatasource.SubJsonOptional Arbitrary JSON record for non-packet device data
bufferKismetDatasource.SubBufferOptional Arbitrary protobuf record for non-packet device data
high_prec_timedoubleOptional high-precision Posix timestamp with nanosecond precision, if available.


KDSERRORREPORT (KismetDatasource.ErrorReport) Datasource -> Kismet

Fatal error condition which should initiate a datasource shutdown.

successKismetDatasource.SubSuccessError condition with failed sequence number (if any) or 0 (if runtime error)
messageKismetExternal.MsgbusMessageOptional Additional message explaining the failure condition.


KDSLISTINTERFACES (KismetDatasource.ListInterfaces) Kismet -> Datasource

Request a list of supported interfaces; Kismet uses this to populate the Data Sources display where a user can activate available sources.




KDSINTERFACESREPORT KismetDatasource.InterfacesReport

KDSINTERFACESREPORT (KismetDatasource.InterfacesReport) Datasource -> Kismet

Returns a list of supported interfaces, if the datasource is capable of listing potential sources.

successKismetDatasource.SubSuccessSuccess report for KDSLISTINTERFACES command
messageKismetExternal.MsgbusMessageOptional Message to be displayed regarding interface list or failure
interfacesKismetDatasource.SubInterface[]Optional List of interfaces


KDSNEWSOURCE (KismetDatasource.NewSource) Datasource -> Kismet

Remote captures are multiplexed over a single TCP port; to associate a remote capture with the proper driver code in Kismet, the datasource must send a KDSNEWSOURCE.

definitionstringKismet source definition (from the datasource --source= command line option)
sourcetypestringKismet datasource type (must match a datasource type)
uuidstringUUID of the datasource to be created

After receiving and successfully mapping a KDSNEWSOURCE to a datasource driver, Kismet will send a KDSOPENSOURCE command to being configuration.

KDSOPENSOURCE (KismetDatasource.OpenSource) Kismet -> Datasource

Kismet will start a datasource by sending a KDSOPENSOURCE; this will be sent for an IPC source or a remote capture source which has completed the initial handshake.

definitionstringKismet source definition

KDSOPENSOURCEREPORT KismetDatasource.OpenSourceReport

KDSOPENSOURCEREPORT (KismetDatasource.OpenSourceReport) Datasource -> Kismet

A KDSOPENSOURCEREPORT carries all the information about a new datasource.

successKismetDatasource.SubSuccessSuccess report for KDSOPENSOURCE
dltint32Optional DLT (data link type) for packets from this source
capture_interfacestringOptional Capture interface, if different than the specified interface. This is common for Wi-Fi devices which use virtual interfaces for capturing.
channelsKismetDatasource.SubChannelsOptional Supported channels
channelKismetDatasource.SubChansetOptional Fixed channel if not hopping
hop_configKismetDatasource.SubChanhopOptional Channel hopping information
hardwarestringOptional Hardware / chipset
messageKismetExternal.MsgbusMessageOptional User message
spectrumKismetExternal.SubSpecsetOptional Spectrum options
uuidstringOptional Source UUID
warningstringOptional Warning message about datasource, which will be displayed in the datasource details


KDSPROBESOURCE (KismetDatasource.ProbeSource) Kismet -> Datasource

Kismet will attempt to match a source to a datasource driver by asking each datasource to probe the source definition.

definitionstringKismet source definition

KDSPROBESOURCEREPORT KismetDatasource.ProbeSourceReport

KDSPROBESOURCEREPORT (KismetDatasource.ProbeSourceReport) Datasource -> Kismet

successKismetDatasource.SubSuccessSuccess report for KDSPROBESOURCE
messageKismetExternal.MsgbusMessageOptional User message
channelsKismetDatasource.SubChannelsOptional Supported channels
channelKismetDatasource.SubChansetOptional Fixed non-hopping channel
spectrumKismetDatasource.SubSpecsetOptional Spectral scanning support
hardwarestringOptional Hardware / chipset


KDSWARNINGREPORT (KismetDatasource.WarningReport) Datasource -> Kismet

KDSWARNINGREPORT can be used by the datasource to set a non-fatal warning condition; this will be shown in the datasource details.

warningstringWarning message to be shown in the datasource details.


KDS Subcomponents

When the same data is used in multiple packets, it is typically placed in a KismetDatasource.Sub... message which is included in the top-level command.

Many Sub... blocks contain only a single field; these may be expanded in the future to contain multiple fields, depending on the requirements of the protocol.


Some datasources may need to send a complete protobuf record for data; this can be accomplished with the SubBuffer structure, which contains simply:

time_secuint64Timestamp of record, Posix second precision
time_usecuint64Timestamp of record, microseconds
typestringArbitrary buffer type to help decoder
bufferbytesPacked protobuf buffer


Basic list of channels. Channels are reported as strings, as they can represent complex tuning options (such as 6HT40+ for Wi-Fi).

channelsstring[]Array of channels


Basic channel. Channels are reported as strings, as they can represent complex tuning options.



channelsstring[]Array of channels to configure as the hopping pattern
ratedoubleOptional Rate at which to hop, in hops per second. Hop rates less than 1 result in dwelling on a channel for longer than a second.
shuffleboolOptional Automatically shuffle the hop list to minimize frequency overlap (maximizing channel coverage).
shuffle_skipuint32Optional Skip interval when shuffling; this is typically calculated by Kismet to be a prime factor of the number of channels in the hop list, ensuring coverage.
offsetuint32Optional Offset into the hopping channel list; this is typically calculated by Kismet when multiple radios are present on the same frequency band, and maximizes coverage.


altdoubleAltitude (meters)
speeddoubleSpeed (kph)
headingdoubleHeading (degrees)
precisiondoubleLocation precision (meters)
fixuint32GPS fix quality (2 = 2d, 3 = 3d)
time_secuint64GPS position timestamp as Posix second precision
time_usecuint64GPS position timestamp as microsecond precision
typestringGPS type (As defined by GPS driver)
namestringGPS name (As defined by user)
high_prec_timedoubleOptional High-precision second+nanosecond time


time_secuint64Message timestamp as Posix second precision
time_usecuint64Message timestamp as microsecond precision
typestringMessage type to assist in parsing
jsonstringMessage, in JSON


interfacestringSupported interface (which can be passed via -c [interface] in Kismet for example)
flagsstringRequired option flags (which will be passed via -c [interface]:flags in Kismet for example); flags can refine the interface parameters, etc.
hardwarestringOptional Hardware / chipset of device


Raw packet data is injected into the Kismet Packetchain system. Datasources which send data with a DLT handled by Kismet will be automatically processed; datasources sending a new DLT will have to provide a parser for that link type.

time_secuint64Packet timestamp as Posix second precision
time_usecuint64Packet timestamp microsecond precision
dltuint32DLT (Data Link Type) of packet content, as returned by libpcap
sizeuint64Packet payload size
databytes[]Raw packet data


Some packet formats include signal-level data as part of the packet headers (for example, Radiotap); for other packets, this data may be available as an external set of data.

signal_dbmdoubleOptional Signal level in dBm
noise_dbmdoubleOptional Noise level in dBm
signal_rssidoubleOptional Signal level in RSSI. Kismet cannot convert RSSI to a meaningful number, so whenever possible, a datasource should prefer dBm)
noise_rssidoubleOptional Noise level in RSSI. Kismet cannot convert RSSI to a meaningful number, so whenever possible, a datasource should prefer dBm)
freq_khzdoubleOptional Frequency of packet, in kHz
channelstringOptional Channel of packet, as a string meaningful to the datasource type
dataratedoubleOptional Data rate of packet


For data sources which support raw spectrum capture, the SubSpecSet configuration block will be sent to configure the ranges.

start_mhzdoubleOptional Starting frequency of sample sweep, in MHz
end_mhzdoubleOptional Ending frequency of sample sweep, in MHz
samples_per_bucketdoubleOptional Number of samples taken per frequency bucket
bucket_width_hzdoubleOptional Width of sample bucket, in Hz
enable_ampboolOptional If available, enable amplifier in radio
if_ampuint64Optional If available, amplification at the IF stage
baseband_ampuint64Optional If available, amplification at the baseband stage


Data sources which support raw spectrum capture return the spectrum record in a SubSpectrum.

time_secuint64Optional Timestamp of sweep, as Posix second precision
time_usecuint64Optional Timestamp of sweep, microsecond precision
start_mhzdoubleOptional Starting frequency of sweep, in MHz
end_mhzdoubleOptional Ending frequency of sweep, in MHz
bucket_width_hzdoubleOptional Width of sample buckets
datauint32[]Optional Sweep samples


Response messages include a SubSuccess; this is used to indicate command completion.

successboolTransaction was successful (or not)
seqnouint32Sequence number of command we are responding to. If this is a runtime error not associated with a specific command, this may be 0.

Defining the driver: Deriving from KisDatasource

The datasource driver is the C++ component which brokers interactions between the capture binary and Kismet.

All datasources are derived from KisDatasource. A KisDatasource is based on a tracker_component to provide easy export of capture status.

The amount of customization required when writing a KisDatasource driver depends on the amount of custom data being passed over the IPC channel. For packet-based data sources, there should be little additional customization required, however sources which pass complex pre-parsed objects will need to customize the protocol-handling methods.

KisDatasource instances are used in two ways:

  1. Maintenance instances are used as factories to create new instances. A maintenance instance is used to enumerate supported capture types, initiate probes to find a type automatically, and to build a capture instance.
  2. Capture instances are bound to an IPC process for the duration of capture and are used to process the full capture protocol.

At a minimum, new datasources must implement the following from KisDatasource:

probe_type(…) is called to find out if this datasource supports a known type. A datasource should return true for each type name supported.

virtual bool probe_type(string in_type) {
    if (StrLower(in_type) == "customfoo")
        return true;

    return false;

build_data_source(…) is the factory method used for returning an instance of the KisDatasource. A datasource should simply return a new shared ptr instance of its custom type.

virtual std::shared_ptr<kis_datasource> 
    build_datasource(std::shared_ptr<kis_datasource_builder> in_shared_builder) { 
        return std::make_shared<custom_kis_datasource>();


A datasource which operates by passing packets should be able to function with no further customization: Packet data passed via the PACKET record will be decapsulated and inserted into the packetchain with the proper DLT.

Handling incoming packets

Generally, nothing needs to be done to handle incoming packets, the parent datasource definition will take care of it. If, however, you receive packets which need modification before they are injected into the packetchain, you can override handle_rx_datalayer(...):

void kis_datasource::handle_rx_datalayer(std::shared_ptr<kis_packet> packet,
        const KismetDatasource::SubPacket& report) {

    auto datachunk = packetchain->new_packet_component<kis_datachunk>();

    if (clobber_timestamp && get_source_remote()) {
        gettimeofday(&(packet->ts), NULL);
    } else {
        packet->ts.tv_sec = report.time_sec();
        packet->ts.tv_usec = report.time_usec();

    if (get_source_override_linktype()) {
        datachunk->dlt = get_source_override_linktype();
    } else {
        datachunk->dlt = report.dlt();


    get_source_packet_size_rrd()->add_sample(, time(0));

    packet->insert(pack_comp_linkframe, datachunk);

Any implementation of handle_rx_datalayer(...) MUST implement the above framework, but may manipulate the DLT, timestamp, and contents of the kis_datachunk record in any way needed.

Similarly, handle_rx_jsonlayer(...) can be overridden to rewrite JSON non-packet records.

Handling the PHY

Kismet defines phy_handler objects to handle different physical layer types - for example there are phyhandlers for IEEE802.11, Bluetooth, and so on.

A phy handler is responsible for defining any custom data structures specific to that phy, converting phy-specific data to the common interface so that Kismet can make generic devices for it, providing any additional javascript and web resources, and similar tasks.

Defining the PHY

Phy handlers are derived from the base kis_phy_handler class.

At a minumum a new phy must provide (and override):

  • The basic C++ contructor and destructor implementations
  • The create function to build an actual instance of the phy handler
  • A common classifier stage to create common info from the custom packet info
  • A storage loader function to attach any custom data when a device is loaded from storage

Loading from storage and custom data types

A new phy will almost certainly define a custom tracked data type - dot11_tracked_device and bluetooth_tracked_device for instance. As part of defining this custom type, the phy must provide a storage loader function to import stored data into a proper object.

In addition, there are some specific pitfalls when loading custom objects - be sure to check the “Restoring vector and map objects” section of of the tracked_component docs!

Currently storage code is not used, but may be leveraged in the future.

Handling the DLT

A datasource which is packet-based but does not conform to an existing DLT defined in Kismet will often need to provide its own DLT handler.

Do I need a custom DLT handler?

If data records are entirely parsed by the classifier (see below for more information), then a separate DLT handler may not be necessary, however if your DLT embeds signal, location, or other information which needs to be made available to other Kismet data handlers, it should be decoded by your DLT handler.

Capture sources implementing alternate capture methods for known DLTs (for instance, support for 802.11 on other operating systems, etc.) do not need to implement a new DLT handler.

Deriving the DLT

Kismet DLT handlers are derived from kis_dlt_handler from kis_dlt.h. A DLT handler needs to override the constructor and the handle_packet(...) functions:

class dlt_example : public kis_dlt_handler {

    virtual int handle_packet(std::shared_ptr<kis_packet> in_pack) override;

dlt_example::dlt_example() :
    kis_dlt_handler() {

    // Packet components and insertion into the packetchain is handled
    // automatically by the Kis_DLT_Handler constructor.  All that needs
    // to happen here is setting the name and DLT type 
    dlt_name = "Example DLT";

    // DLT type is set in tcpdump.h 

    // Optionally, announce that we're loaded
    _MSG_INFO("Registering support for DLT_SOME_EXAMPLE");

// handle_packet(...) is called by the packet chain with the packet data
// as reported by the datasource.  This may already include GPS and signal
// information, as well as the actual link data frame.

// HandlePacket is responsible for decapsulating the DLT, creating any
// additional kis_packet records, and prepping the data for the classifier
// stage.

int dlt_example::handle_packet(std::shared_ptr<kis_packet> in_pack) {
    // Example sanity check - do we already have packet data
    // decapsulated?  For a type like radiotap or PPI that encodes another
    // DLT, this encapsulated chunk might be handled differently 
    auto decapchunk = in_pack->fetch_as<kis_datachunk>(pack_comp_decap);

    if (decapchunk != nullptr) {
        return 1;

    // Get the linklayer data record 
    auto linkdata = in_pack->fetch_as<kis_datachunk>(pack_comp_linkframe);

    // Sanity check - do we even have a link chunk? 
    if (linkdata == nullptr) {
        return 1;

    // Sanity check - does the DLT match? 
    if (linkdata->dlt != dlt) {
        return 1;

    // Other code goes here 

Manipulating packet data

It is important to minimize copying of packet data whenever possible. While sometimes unavoidable, many manipulations of packet data are simply removing headers and trailing data from the record.

Kismet uses a multi-C++ version of stringview via the nonstd::stringview library. This should be used to manipulate the windowed views of packet data, and in general, data records in a packet are all views of the same initial packet data from the IPC protocol. For example, the following code is used in the Radiotap DLT:

    auto decapchunk = packetchain->new_packet_component<kis_datachunk>();
	decapchunk->dlt = KDLT_IEEE802_11;
    decapchunk->set_data(linkchunk->substr(offset, linkchunk->length() - offset - fcs_cut));
	in_pack->insert(pack_comp_decap, decapchunk);

Using the stringview substr function keeps us from copying data unnecessarily.

Minimizing memory allocations

The packet handling loop is an extremely commonly used loop, where small changes can have large impacts. To minimize thrashing the memory allocation system, Kismet uses object pools for the packet components. Notice the following code:

    auto decapchunk = packetchain->new_packet_component<kis_datachunk>();

This uses the packetchain object pool for packet components. If there is a returned object in the pool, it will be reset and returned; if the pool is exhausted, a new object will be created and returned. Objects created this way are automatically returned to the pool at the end of their lifetime.

Handling Non-Packet Data

Non-packet data can be decapsulated by extending the KisDataSource::handle_packet method. By default this method handles defined packet types; an extended version should first call the parent instance.

void some_data_source::handle_packet(string in_type, KVmap in_kvmap) {
    KisDataSource::handle_packet(in_type, in_kvmap);

    string ltype = StrLower(in_type);

    if (ltype == "customtype") {

Extended information can be added to a packet as a custom record and transmitted via the Kismet packetchain, or can be injected directly into the tracker for the new phy type (See the tracked components docs for more information). Injecting into the packet chain allows existing Kismet code to track signal levels, location, etc., automatically.

If the incoming data is directly injected into the data tracking system for the new phy type, then special care must be taken to create pseudo-packet records for the core device-tracking system. Ultimately, a pseudo-packet event must be created, either when processing the custom IPC packet or in the device classifier. Generally, it is recommended that a datasource attach the custom record to a packet object and process it via the packetchain as documented in the tracked components docs.

When processing a custom frame, existing KV pair handlers can be used. For example:

void some_data_source::handle_packet_custom(KVmap in_kvpairs) {
    KVmap::iterator i;

    // We inject into the packetchain so we need to make a packet
    kis_packet *packet = NULL;

    // We accept signal and gps info in our custom IPC packet
    kis_layer1_packinfo *siginfo = NULL;
    kis_gps_packinfo *gpsinfo = NULL;

    // We accept messages, so process them using the existin message KV
    // handler
    if ((i = in_kvpairs.find("message")) != in_kvpairs.end()) {

    // Generate a packet using the packetchain
    packet = packetchain->GeneratePacket();

    // Gather signal data if we have any
    if ((i = in_kvpairs.find("signal")) != in_kvpairs.end()) {
        siginfo = handle_kv_signal(i->second);

    // Gather GPS data if we have any
    if ((i = in_kvpairs.find("gps")) != in_kvpairs.end()) {
        gpsinfo = handle_kv_gps(i->second);

    // Add them to the packet
    if (siginfo != NULL) {
        packet->insert(pack_comp_l1info, siginfo);

    if (gpsinfo != NULL) {
        packet->insert(pack_comp_gps, gpsinfo);

    // Gather whatever custom data we have and add it to the packet
    if ((i = in_kvpairs.find("customfoo")) != in_kvpairs.end()) {
        handle_kv_customfoo(i->second, packet);

    // Update the last valid report time

    // Inject the packet into the packet chain, this will clean up
    // the packet when it's done with it automatically.